Choose Your Enemies Wisely

Choose Your Enemies Wisely by Valuetainment CEO Patrick Bet-David details the tactical and mental models for entrepreneurs to set and achieve their most daring business visions.


In the empowering 300-page guide “Choose Your Enemies Wisely,” master entrepreneur Patrick Bet-David unveils his emotional yet strategic 12 Business Building Block system for achieving audacious goals. Blending logic and passion, the blocks delve beyond practical elements into the deeper motivations and adversarial mentalities needed for exponential company growth. While directly applicable for founders, Bet-David’s blueprint to seamlessly integrate analytical with inspirational also contains universal advice for channeling purpose into sustainable victory. Through raw stories and structured planning, the book calls readers to action with both heart and vision fully activated.

Human Design Compatibility

Manifestors: The Manifestor’s trailblazing nature deeply aligns with tapping emotion to fuel world-beating objectives (Yes). See Block #3 on disregarding gatekeepers and Block #9 on confronting inertia with relentless drive.

Generators: Generators appreciate considered growth, potentially struggling with overly aggressive adversarial framing (Maybe). Focus on responding to uplifting cues.

Manifesting Generators: With their initiating spark for big ideas, Manifesting Generators will resonate with enlisting teams in realized potential (Yes). See Block #8 on building culture and Block #10 on collaborating with those furthering the mission.

Projectors: As guides, Projectors could leverage Block #11 on advisor networks, but may bristle at dramatized enemy mentalities (Maybe). Influence through nuance.

Reflectors: Unfortunately the hard-charging battle metaphors oppose the Reflector’s less combative pace, limiting synergy (No). Consider just specific insights resonating internally.


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