The Laws of Human Nature

The Laws of Human Nature provides brilliant tactics for using insights into human motivation, emotion, and behavior to succeed in work, relationships, and beyond.


The insightful 500-page exploration by renown author Robert Greene unveils 18 laws for understanding what consciously and unconsciously drives human behavior. Blending vivid historical examples with sage advice, Greene empowers readers to decode motivations, improve relationships, resist conformity, and self-actualize. The book provides a framework for influencing outcomes by working with rather than against the grains of human nature. Though requiring dedication to master, the wisdom imparted represents an enormously valuable set of social and emotional intelligence skills for navigating life’s intricacies.

Human Design Compatibility

Manifestors: Manifestors seeking new levels of autonomy can leverage many laws to power past obstacles (Yes). For instance, Law #2 on becoming impervious to emotional triggers and Law #12 on directing your life plan align exceptionally well.

Generators: Generators have deep inner wisdom that could initially conflict with external laws. With time their resonance may grow, but pacing may be uneven (Maybe). Use discernment to integrate supportively.

Manifesting Generators: The Manifesting Generator’s initiation combined with group savvy vibes well with the social framework here (Yes). See Law #8 on interpreting gestures and silences for relationships and Law #15 on influencing crowds by embracing shared emotions.

Projectors: Several laws, especially #6 on using soft power to guide not force outcomes, should appeal to the Projector’s advisory skills (Yes). But maintaining your unique authority during application is key.

Reflectors: Unfortunately the intense human engineering focus collides with the Reflector’s emotional openness, limiting compatibility (No). Let these laws inspire self-insight but avoid over-applying out of alignment with your core.


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