The Wolf of Investing

Drawing from his unethical yet massively profitable 1990s Wall Street run, convicted stock manipulator Jordan Belfort entertains readers with brazen stories and insights to stack market beating returns in The Wolf of Investing.


In the brazen 300-page financial guide “The Wolf of Investing,” convicted stock manipulator turned industry insider Jordan Belfort translates hard won lessons from his legally and morally dubious yet vastly lucrative 1990s Wall Street exploits into usable investment advice for ordinary folks. Blending irreverent stories with unconventional yet canny market insights, Belfort entertainingly covers selecting stocks, managing risk, maximizing gains, and avoiding system pitfalls – equipping readers to thrive in volatile markets. Beyond securing returns, the book preaches economic justice by exposing how individual investors can counter big banks’ self-serving practices and secure the bag for themselves through strategic savvy.

Human Design Compatibility

Manifestors: Manifestors appreciate direct counsel on tackling markets without intermediaries (Yes). See tips on trusting instincts when making contrarian bets. Beware overextending though; manage greed.

Generators: Appreciating long plays, Generators may bristle at some speculative elements while valuing general insights (Maybe). Carefully screen suggestions on pacing big moves.

Manifesting Generators: Energized by financial freedom quests, Manifesting Generators stand to gain much from Belfort’s go-for-broke approach executed collectively (Yes). But ground risky plays with trusted teams.

Projectors: Projectors can integrate some tactical tips but should largely avoid risky plays detailed (No) that strain personal authority. Guide investments without needing to directly participate.

Reflectors: Unfortunately the high pressure pace grinds against the Reflector’s considered process (No). Absorb basic lessons selectively but avoid rushed application that overrides clarity.


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